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Making tea - picking your own herbs

thursday 15 august 2024, 9:30 - 11:00 uur

Make your own tea by picking herbs, you can do that at Natuur Goed! Tea made from herbs from far away places is often drunk, but that is not necessary. A tea made from Dutch and/or Texel herbs is just as good. It is surprisingly tasty and healthy too! Think of mint, nettle and chamomile, but also licorice plant, plantain or goldenrod. Many (but not all) herbs are edible and can be used for a tasty tea. Let's get started. Guidance is available to make the necessary choices for the edible plants. During this meeting I will take you into the field and let you experience what it is like to search, pick and collect. Tips for at home if you plan to harvest yourself, tips for purchase if you like to buy good tea in the store. You read about the active ingredients yourself, very surprising! The workshop ends with putting together your own tea mix for home use. The meeting is from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. We hold the workshop every Thursday and Saturday for individual registration (up to 8 people). The meeting will go ahead if there are sufficient registrations. Customization for groups of 10 to 30 people is also possible on other days. On registration! Costs: € 14.50 p.p. Children up to 5 years free. For groups of more than 20 people € 11.50 p.p. See you in Oosterend, Conradine

tourist activity: Yes
Activity type: All weather
Price: 14.50
Reservations: tuin@natuurgoed.org / 06-23807794
Website: https://natuurgoed.org/event/thee-maken-zelf-kruiden-oogsten/
Facebook: @natuurgoedtexel
Instagram: natuur_goed_texel

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Kruiden vinden en drogen, (h)eerlijke thee Kruiden vinden en drogen, (h)eerlijke thee ©Foto: Conradine de Reus


Natuur Goed eetbare natuurtuin
Koningsweg 4
1794HN Oosterend

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