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Visit food forest edible garden Texel

saturday 7 september 2024, 14:00 - 17:00 uur

Visit our edible natural garden or food forest. You are welcome at our site at Koningsweg 4, Oosterend. A place where you can relax with both edible crops and suitable architecture. See it as an example garden that was created by a mix of influences. From permaculture we learned permanent plants and covering the ground. Working with multiple layers of edible crops comes from the flow of food forests. We applied sight lines, open and closed places and rows of trees from garden architecture. With this experience we can also provide advice and garden tips for your own garden. Nature Good food forest and edible natural garden, unique on Texel. It is the result of 30 years of green experience of both Siem and Conradine. We'd love to show you more about it. Come by on Thursday, Friday or Saturday between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. In our shop you will find edible plants, home-grown tea, jam and more. Entrance: 7.50 p.p. including tea or coffee with biscuits. For tea lovers we have tea from our own grounds...surprising flavors! We are happy to make a tailor-made appointment for groups of 10 to 30 people. Also check out tea tasting or other activities with options for groups. With the entrance fee you help us obtain the financial resources to continue developing the garden. Thank you in advance!

tourist activity: Yes
Activity type: All weather
Price: 7,50
Reservations: tuin@natuurgoed.org / 06-23807794
Website: http://www.natuurgoed.org
Facebook: @natuurgoedtexel
Instagram: natuur_goed_texel

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Bezoektuin voedselbos eetbare tuin Natuur GoedTexel Bezoektuin voedselbos eetbare tuin Natuur GoedTexel ©Foto: Conradine de Reus


Natuur Goed eetbare natuurtuin
Koningsweg 4
1794HN Oosterend

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