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Struun TX Thrift Store

maandag 5 augustus 2024, 10:00 - 13:00 uur

Struun TX is the thrift store on Texel, completely run by friendly and enthusiastic volunteers. No less than 1200 square meters of shopping pleasure, spacious and with a daily changing range of books, clothing, household items, toys, audio equipment, tools, antiques and vintage, furniture, etc. etc. and even a very spacious painting attic. Open on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 10am to 1pm All proceeds go to charities, mainly on Texel but also on the other side. Our mission is to provide assistance in special (mental or otherwise) needs. Wheelchair friendly: yesPet friendly: no

Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit: Alle weertypes
Facebook: struuntx

Correcties, vragen of aanvullingen?

Kleding- en boekenafdeling Kleding- en boekenafdeling ©Foto: Hugo van Noorden

Speelgoed Speelgoed ©Foto: Hugo van Noorden

Boekenafdeling Boekenafdeling ©Foto: Hugo van Noorden

Antiek en vintage Antiek en vintage ©Foto: Hugo van Noorden