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Swarovski XL Bird Excursion

maandag 5 augustus 2024, 13:00 - 16:00 uur

Accompanied by an enthusiastic guide, you will set out for three hours in search of as many bird species as possible on the north side of Texel. We take the time to look closely at the different species and identify them based on their characteristics. Naturally, we also pay attention to the song/sound of the birds. The species we find will be very diverse. Waders on the mudflats, water birds and seagulls in the lakes and various songbirds and birds of prey in the dunes. The range of species is very variable and partly depends on the season. This bird excursion XL is suitable for young and old. The excursion is a walking excursion. The guide may ask you to drive to the location where the walk starts. The route chosen by the guide depends on the weather and the tide (high or low tide). For example, with rising water it is interesting to visit the Wadden dike because the birds come closer to the dike due to the rising water. In case of strong winds, a route is sought where we are affected by the wind as little as possible. A route through the dunes is often preferred. The nice thing about bird watching is that no two excursions are the same. Even if you take the same route several times, you will always see different bird species.

Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit: Alle weertypes
Prijs: Deelnemer € 30,-
Reserveringsinformatie: Vogelinformatiecentrum, Kikkertstraat 42, De Cocksdorp (0222-316249)
Website: http://www.vogelexcursiestexel.nl

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Graspieper Graspieper ©Foto: Marc Plomp


Kikkertstraat 42
1795AE De Cocksdorp

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Ook op deze locatie

01-1-2023 | Bus-vogelexcursie NP Duinen van Texel
01-1-2023 | Minibus-vogelexcursie Vogelboulevard
01-1-2023 | Vogelherkenningsexcursie
04-9-2024 | Bus-vogelexcursie NP Duinen van Texel
04-9-2024 | Minibus-vogelexcursie Vogelboulevard