Climb the tower, visit the exhibition
maandag 5 augustus
- 16:00 uur
CLIMB THE TOWER (not in bad weather)
A steep climb over narrow stairs, past the old clock, on the way to a view that is more than worth it. High from the church tower, Den Burg unfolds like a model in a vast landscape surrounded by the sea.
From the very first tuff stone in ten major steps through the church history of Texel.
An exhibition “from the archives of the Burght”, with special collection items and wonderful stories. About how a war formed the basis of this building, how wine and beer fertilized the church coffers, and why an uprising almost killed the church.
A tour of the church floor past tombstones, wall panels, organ and chandeliers. Tall stories, questionable theories, beautiful anecdotes and hard facts. Two enthusiastic tour guides will take you back and forth through the church in this audio tour.
Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit:
Alle weertypes
Prijs: torenbeklimmen: volw. € 2,-- kinderen € 1,--
Correcties, vragen of aanvullingen?
Tufsteen fundatie uit de 11e eeuw ©Foto: pkn Den Burg
Wijnfles van vergaan schip (17e eeuw) ©Foto: pkn den Burg
Uitzicht vanaf de toren ©Foto: pkn Den Burg