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Summer Salt 2.0 in De Vermaning Den Hoorn

donderdag 25 juli 2024, 0:00 - 0:00 uur

Artists association Zout will exhibit from July 25 to August 26 with its art exhibition "Zomerzout 2.0 in De Vermaning in Den Hoorn. 28 artists are participating who bring together a unique collection of works that reflects the depth and diversity of contemporary art. The exhibition explores themes such as identity, nature and human emotions, represented through a range of styles and media including paintings, ceramics, wool, installations, digital art, sculpture, etc. The exhibition highlights the importance of art in everyday life and invites everyone to participate to take part in this visual journey of discovery. The festive opening will be on Saturday, July 27 at 5 p.m. with music and while enjoying a snack and drink. We will be happy to welcome you there every day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit: Alle weertypes
Prijs: vrij toegankelijk
Reserveringsinformatie: reserveren is niet nodig

Correcties, vragen of aanvullingen?

kunstwerk Christiaan Lubke kunstwerk Christiaan Lubke ©Foto: Christiaan Lubke

Poster Zomerzout 2.0 Poster Zomerzout 2.0 ©Foto: Cecile de Boer


De Vermaning
Diek 11A
1797AA Den Hoorn

Ook op deze locatie

15-2-2025 | 50 jaar TEEVA, jubileumtentoonstelling