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Walking bird excursion De Slufter

maandag 5 augustus 2024 9:00 - 12:00 uur

Accompanied by an enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide (also in German / also in English) you will take a walk through an extremely unique, dynamic and bird-rich area: De Slufter. In this varied environment you can meet various songbirds, waders and seagulls. The Slufter is still a true stronghold for meadow pipit and the skylark, which is becoming rare. Oystercatchers, redshanks and other waders that have spent the summer, forage for food in the nutrient-rich rifts. Various duck species such as mountain and eider ducks can also be numerous. All these birds also act as a magnet for various types of birds of prey such as marsh and hen harriers and hawks. The excursions are suitable for young and old and are mainly aimed at learning to recognize birds. You will learn how to recognize different bird species by appearance and by their calls or songs. If you do not have your own binoculars, you can borrow good quality binoculars from us during the excursion. No special footwear is required for the excursion. The excursion starts and ends at the Bird Information Center in De Cocksdorp. At the end you will receive a nice cup of coffee or tea and, together with the excursion leaders, you will complete a checklist of what you have seen along the way.

Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit: Alle weertypes
Reserveringsinformatie: Vogelinformatiecentrum, Kikkertstraat 42, De Cocksdorp (0222-316249)
Website: http://www.vogelexcursiestexel.nl

Dwergstern Dwergstern ©Foto: Marc Plomp


Kikkertstraat 42
1795AE De Cocksdorp

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01-1-2023 | Bus-vogelexcursie NP Duinen van Texel
01-1-2023 | Minibus-vogelexcursie Vogelboulevard
01-1-2023 | Vogelherkenningsexcursie
03-9-2023 | Swarovski XL Vogelexcursie
04-9-2024 | Bus-vogelexcursie NP Duinen van Texel
04-9-2024 | Minibus-vogelexcursie Vogelboulevard