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Minibus excursion along the Vogelboulevard

friday 14 january 2022, 9:30 - 0:00 uur

With a luxury minibus you will set out for a morning with a maximum of eight people to search for as many bird species as possible in various bird-rich areas. In collaboration with Natuurmonumenten, we visit the Bird Boulevard of Texel. During this excursion we stop at the best birdwatching spots along the east side of Texel and take a few short walks. In case of sightings of rare species, it is possible to deviate from the route in consultation to look for this bird. The bird species that you can encounter during this excursion are very diverse; geese, ducks, waders, meadow birds, gulls and terns. But also songbirds on passage and birds of prey. The range of varieties varies greatly and partly depends on which season you are traveling with. Every excursion is different! The excursion starts at 9.30 am at the Bird Information Center. There we drink a cup of coffee/tea afterwards around 12.30 pm while filling in the species list. If you do not have binoculars yourself, you can of course borrow one from us. The price for this bus excursion is 40 euros per person. With this money we realize and maintain birdwatching points on Texel, among other things. Registration for these excursions is necessary. Please note: due to the current corona rules, it is mandatory to wear a mouth cap on the bus!

tourist activity: Yes
Activity type: All weather
Price: Deelnemer € 40,-
Reservations: Vogelinformatiecentrum, Kikkerstraat 42, De Cocksdorp. (0222)316249

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Kluten Kluten ©Foto: Marc Plomp


Kikkertstraat 42
1795AE De Cocksdorp

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Also at this location

01-1-2023 | Bus-vogelexcursie NP Duinen van Texel
01-1-2023 | Minibus-vogelexcursie Vogelboulevard
01-1-2023 | Vogelherkenningsexcursie
03-9-2023 | Swarovski XL Vogelexcursie
20-5-2024 | Vogelexcursie op de noordpunt van Texel