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Guided tour in English at Kaap Skil

vrijdag 26 april 2024, 0:00 - 0:00 uur

For anyone who does not speak the Dutch language, there is a special English-language guided tour at Museum Kaap Skil. The guide will take you along the model of the Roads of Texel and the exhibition Palmwood wreck. This is what you saw when you looked out to sea in 1660! Marvel at the enormous wealth of the objects divers found in the Palmwood wreck. Including two beautiful silk dresses!

Toeristische activiteit: Ja
Type activiteit: Alle weertypes
Prijs: 4 t/m 18 jr € 8,00, volwassenen € 11,50 Museumkaart gratis
Reserveringsinformatie: www.kaapskil.nl of 0222-314956
Website: http://www.kaapskil.nl

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Museum Kaap Skil
Heemskerckstraat 9
1792AA Oudeschild

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Ook op deze locatie

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23-1-2025 | Rondleiding Wereldreis bij Kaap Skil
23-1-2025 | Rondleiding Palmhoutwrak bij Kaap Skil
25-1-2025 | Rondleiding Wereldreis bij Kaap Skil
25-1-2025 | Rondleiding Palmhoutwrak bij Kaap Skil
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